Monday, July 12, 2010

Almost There

Well, today I am 33 weeks pregnant. We are almost there! We were at the doctor last week and he said everything looks great. Bailee is still head down which is good. She is measuring a week early which can either be a good thing or bad depending on who is looking at it. For me I am hoping that she comes a week early, Blake is thinking yes, she is going to be big! Guess we will have to wait and see.
This past weekend was also my baby shower. Blake's Aunt and Uncle threw it for me and it was beautiful! Bailee is definitely well loved already. She will be the best dressed baby in town. I was lucky enough to have my Mom, Aunt and 2 cousins come home with me an organize everything. If they weren't here, I would have been putting things away until she was 2. Haha.

I will update everyone again in a week after our next appointment!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Almost There!

Yesterday we had another doctors appointment. It went very well. Everything is looking great! Bailee is head down already so the doctor was real happy with that. I have gained a total of 23 pounds so far. Now if you ask me, I was a little freaked out by that, but again, the doctor said I am doing great. So, everything is moving along nicely. I am feeling pretty good. I am starting to get tired again and its getting harder and harder to bend over because I am all belly. Blake likes to laugh because if you see me from behind you can't tell I am pregnant until I turn around. Now its just a waiting game to see when she is coming. We go back to the doctor in 2 weeks, then after that appointment we go in in another 2 weeks, and then after that we go in every week. Blake's expression was funny when the doctor said we need to see him again in 2 weeks. The doctor asked if he was ok and Blake said yes, but my blood pressure maybe not so much. Haha. Its starting to get more and more real!!

We hope all is well with everyone!!! Below is a picture of Bailee's room. It is all ready for her.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New Pictures of the Belly

This weekend Blake and I went to Palm Desert and it was very hot out!!! So, I had to break out the swim suit no matter how frightening it looked. Haha. We were able to spend time with his sister, mom and dad. My Uncle, Aunt and cousins were also in town so we were able to spend time with them as well. After we came home from the desert we needed to cool off so we went for a walk on the beach. It was definitely a change in temperature! Below are the pictures from the weekend.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Today we were able to see Bailee in 3D. It was really cool. We were able to see everything! The doctor was having a hard time with her though because she kept putting her hand in her face and she wouldn't stay still long enough for him to get a great picture. As Blake said she was being stubborn like her mom. If you ask me, she was being stubborn like her dad :). The doctor was surprised at how active she is. I could have told him that based on the fact that she is moving ALL the time no matter what time of day it is. Anyway, she looks great and we hope you like the pictures below. We will try and download the video of the entire ultrasound this weekend. Then you will be able to see how much she moves and also see her heart beating.

The first picture below is her covering her face with her hand and her foot coming above her head on the right. The second picture is just of her face. And the last picture is her making a "mad" face as Blake says.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Deer in Headlights

Well the time finally came where we had to go register. And lets just say, that was an experience in itself! Our first stop was Babie's R Us. I had shopped in there before for other people, but it was usually just in the clothes section. When you register, they hand you a book of all the things you should register for. That was a little nerve wreaking because some of the things that they listed we had no idea what they were. But, we were ready and headed out to start our adventure. The first place they take you to is infant care. Blake and I think this is the WORST thing they could have done because it is where all the bottles, nipples, pacifiers and breast pump items are. Did you know how many types of bottles, nipples, pacifiers and breast pumps are out there? My goodness! This was our first deer in headlight experience. We had no idea which one to choose. So, what did Blake do? He scanned every bottle, every nipple, every pacifier and every breast pump item. It was pretty funny. Our next section was the strollers. Here is where we knew we looked lost because there was a couple with their child that came up to us and said "first time?" How did you know. "The look on both of your faces says it all." Guess we weren't hiding it very well. After that Blake and I had a laugh together because they were right. 45 minutes later of going through the entire store we finally had a handle on things, or so we thought. Then Blake looked at the scanner and it had a sticker that said "goal, 120 items." We had 50. So, our adventure began again at the infant section and all the way around the store until we had over 120 items. Blake was scanning EVERYTHING he saw. By the time we were done and turning in our scanner, we had been in the store for almost 2 1/2 hours. It was the longest 2 1/2 hours of our life! But, we weren't finished yet. We had to go to Target next door and register there as well. We were dreading it!!! If it was going to be as long and as hard to register at Target as it was Babies R US, we were going to scream. To our surprise, it was way better at Target. As Blake says, its his new favorite store because the baby aisle is only 4 aisles. We were in heaven. We probably spent 20 minutes maximum in there. After registering, we both felt a little nervous because of all the little things we didn't know about.

The next day I came in to work and sat down with my boss who just had her 3rd baby in September. I told our story and then showed her our registry. She chuckled because she knows Blake and I both very well. Lets just say, a lot of the things we registered for were not good or didn't pass a consumer test. For the next hour and a half she went over with me what was good, what was bad, and what her recommendations were. I wish we had her with us when we were doing out registry! That night, I was online changing things on our registry. Another 2 hours was spent changing things online. But, I can finally say now, WE ARE DONE with both registry's! It has been an experience both Blake and I will not forget!

The latest picture of my tummy is below. I am now 25 weeks. We go to the doctor next week for a 3-D ultrasound and then 2 weeks after that for another appointment.

We hope all is well with everyone!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bailee's Room

Bailee's room is almost complete! My mom and Blake painted all weekend. The room looks great! Now all that is missing is the furniture. But don't worry, it is being delivered and put together on Tuesday. We can't wait to get it all in. Hope all is well! The pictures are posted below.

Ace supervising the project

Blake painting the first wall

Mom and Blake after 2 days of painting

23 weeks

Monday, April 26, 2010


Hi Everyone. Just wanted to give you an update on what is going on. Everything is looking great. The baby is kicking like crazy all the time. You can see my stomach move now when she kicks. Its pretty crazy to think there is something growing inside me. We have started to read to the baby and play her music. When Blake reads to her she kicks like crazy. She already knows her daddy's voice.

This past weekend we went and did some shopping!!! It was so fun. We got all the baby furniture and the bedding. The bedding is pink and brown with butterflies and flowers. It is very cute. And yes, Blake also had a decision in it. The next step is just getting everything together and painting her room.

So, are you all sick of us calling her baby?????? Well, her name is Bailee Grace Moorman. Blake picked the name Bailee and I picked the name Grace.

We hope you are all doing well and we will update you soon with more news. We go to the doctor in 2 weeks for another check-up.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

At our friends wedding this past weekend they had a photo booth.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sex of the Baby

Well, we went to the doctor today and found out that the baby is really healthy. We were in the ultrasound room for 45 minutes before they told us what is was. We were able to see the heart, the kidneys, blood vessels, length of arms, legs, toes, you name it, we saw it. It was very cool to see everything. The baby is very active! The technician was having a hard time a couple of times measuring because it kept moving around. Anyway, after 45 minutes she finally asked if we wanted to know what is was. She said hold hands because you are having a baby GIRL. We are both really excited!!! More excited that the she is healthy and that the doctor was very happy with how she was growing. Right now I am 20 weeks exactly but the baby is measuring at about 20 weeks and 6 days. The technician said that is normal and that I am doing everything fine. I have only gained 8 pounds which is good.

Anyway, we just wanted to update everyone. So its a GIRL!!!!!

We will put the pictures up soon!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Doctor's Appointment

Yesterday we had another doctor's appointment. Everything looks great. We were able to hear the heart beat, which was 159 beats per minute. The doctor said that the baby and I are healthy as can be. So we were really happy to hear that. Our next appointment is on April 9th. We are very excited for this day because we get to find out what we are having!!!! We can't wait! So, the next question is, who wants to join the baby pool that is going on? There are a couple of family members who have put in their vote for boy/girl and due date. But, what we will also need is a time you think the baby will be born. That way, if someone picks the same day, we can go by who was closest to the time. Anyway, we hope all is well with everyone!! Post your votes in the comment section.

17 weeks

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Well, I was standing at the printer at work just right now and felt a little movement in my stomach. I wasn't sure what it was, so I went to one of my co-workers and said feel this. Sure enough, I just felt the little one move for the first time. As soon as all the girls in my office (there are 7 in here) heard they all came over to feel. It was moving around for a good five minutes. It was definitely one of the weirdest coolest things ever!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hi Everyone! We thought this would be a good idea to keep you up to date on what is going on with the baby.

So far everything has been great. Well, great now that I am in the second trimester. The first one was awful. I don't know why they call it "morning sickness"because I was sick all day every day. It was not fun at all! Poor Blake would make me a great breakfast or dinner and I couldn't eat any of it. Since I have been so sick I lost weight and the doctor told me that I need to start eating every 2 hours to gain it back and keep healthy. It is also nice being in the second trimester because I am not as tired. Blake would laugh at me because we would go any where and I would sit down and fall asleep. I am still a little tired here and there, but my energy level is much higher.

Blake has been great throughout this whole process. His new theme song is "Mr. Mom" by Lonestar. He has had to go into my role since I haven't been feeling very well. He now cooks, cleans and does laundry. I appreciate it so much!

I hope that you all will enjoy this blog and we will keep it up to date as much as we can. We see the doctor in a week for a normal check up and then again 3 weeks after that to find out the sex of the baby. We are really anxious to find out what we are having. Blake thinks it is going to be a girl because I have been so sick and because he dreamed that I gave birth to a little girl the other night. We shall see though. As long as the baby has 10 fingers, 10 toes and is healthy we will be happy.

Oh, and our due date is August 30, 2010.

A few Pictures of the Growing Belly

8 weeks

9 weeks

10 weeks

12 weeks

14 weeks (sorry for it being in the undies, its the best way to see my belly since it is so small)

Today, 15 weeks and 6 days